Quiet on here .......

For non-technical car discussion and general banter and jokes. Keep it clean(ish).

Moderator: 001 Neville

Do members want to continue access to the OpelForum website or use Facebook page instead?

I don't use Facebook/what is Facebook?
I use Facebook but also use this OpelForum website
I don't look on the website unless I am notified of new content
Other comments?
Total votes : 6

Quiet on here .......

Postby 001 Neville » 24 Apr 2017, 22:17

Shhh, everyone is asleep!

Seriously, the website is getting little response these days, and I understand it is a common theme for many car clubs.

I have to admit I do not visit it so often myself, as I have been posting things like the car show attendance on the Facebook page. But I realise not everyone has Fb or is interested in getting onto Fb, so will maintain the website for the meantime.

Let me know your feelings on this please?
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Re: Quiet on here .......

Postby 020 Brad » 23 May 2017, 22:47

I can only speak for myself - purely from a time perspective I no longer have an opportunity to trawl the forums like I used to. I very rarely go on a computer now, I usually just use my phone, and this leads me to just checking as few sites as I can to get the info I need. I find Facebook and the messenger keep me updated with friends and what I need to know about car updates - not that there's really a huge amount happening in that regard these days either.

For me it is kind of a sign of the times. Sure I have young kids now, so things have changed for me, but it seems others are in a similar position for whatever reason. Whether it is time, or money, I'm really not sure.

While it is great to have a forum like this, and it is just so much easier to search and see updates etc than facebook, I do wonder whether the days of traditional forums are numbered.
020 Brad
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