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Ranfurly Art Deco Weekend

PostPosted: 06 Nov 2012, 13:36
by 001 Neville
I've been contacted by the organisers of an event at Ranfurly 22/23 February 2013, as they are looking to have a "Shine and Show" car display alongside other activities. It's early days yet, but they wanted to know what interest there would be from local car club members.

thanks for the prompt reply currently we have planned the parade during the Festival and an area set aside for the “Show and Shine” we are in contact with a number of clubs and once we have an indication of numbers who may wish to participate or express interest the local vintage and classic car enthusiasts have been approached to organise a rally in the region. It’s a bit “chicken and egg” at present (you understand?).

We at this stage do not propose and entry fee as we want to encourage as much participation as possible (that may change) if you could advise your membership and help circulate this information I would appreciate it immensely

Any interest?